Diabetes Pilot comments

Manage all your diabetes information with this useful program

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Diabetes Pilot is a good start containing categories of medical knowledge diabetics need to track. However, it is not very intuitive in function and the "help" section is very poor; it is not organized in a logical manner and gives more hype than clear instructions about functions, edits, and report building. It easier to look up food by searching name than by groups. It does not easily let you modify calculations if you've a 1/4 of cup rather than 1 cup; it does not automatically compute new calculations when you modify the serving size, such as "Lose It" does. It does not offer brand name foods nor does it let you easily build the values for your own receipes nor let you store your favorites that you have created and eat frequently. It could go a lot further. It could be more accurate with data and more user friendly.

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